Newspaper Article

Another article about school crisis appeared in a local newspaper 21 March 2012 – Beeld

Another article about school crisis appeared in a local newspaper 15 March 2012 – Volksblad

This article appeared in a local newspaper on 8 March 2012 and it highlights the need for school laboratory equipment.

English Translation:


The number of schools with science laboratories dropped sharply between 2006 and last year. According to the South Africa Survey Report of the South African Institute of Race Relations there was a 35% decrease in schools with laboratories. The largest decrease was in Gauteng (76% to 40%).

According to Mr. Jonathan Snyman, a researcher at the institute, only 3 772 from almost 24 000 public schools had laboratories last year. He said it raises serious questions about why it happened.

He referred to Ms Angie Motshekga Minister of Basic Education’s announcement of a national strategy aimed to improve results in mathematics, science and technology and more attention for the training of teachers.

“It’s good and well for teachers to improve their training, but they can do little if they do not have well-equipped laboratories” said Snyman.